Saturday, 18 August 2007

After the wedding diet - Introduction

Usually, we all go frantic just after we get the wedding invitation. Well, competition is always enormous as every girl is trying to look her best. And all those aunties doing nothing but commenting... So we go on diet, start some excercises and so on. You know the drill. But what I find most annoying is that whatever promise I made to myself I always put weight AFTER THE WEDDING. Simply, there is no pressure anymore. The dress is back in the closet. Hello chocolates and cakes and pizzas and ice creams and pastas and... wider waistline. Pure horror. How could I let myself slip like that? I ask that question every single time. So how to go on with dieting life without the wedding invitation standing before your eyes as a reminder? Well, apply some 'After the Wedding' tips and tricks.

  1. Find new motivation
  2. Have an extraordinary treat - small portion, great taste
  3. Get a new outfit and go out there

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