Wednesday 9 April 2008

I am really trying! But the chocolates...

I am really trying to get rid of my greatest weakness. I have so far probably managed 2 days max without chocolate. I just can't. If I do not eat it, I am getting headaches and really nasty personality. Many people do not believe you can actually be addicted to chocolate. But my body physically crave chocolate every single day. It's not that I am not eating anything, so I am hungry. I eat lots of fruits for that matter. I like it. But - I need chocolate. I do not want sweets. I can live without crisps. I could be perfectly ok without fast food for the rest of my life. But give me hazelnut pralines and ... So okay, today is my low day. I admit, I confess. I am a grown up, responsible for my own choices and I know that refined sugar kills you in a sadistic, prolonged way. But I am not happy without chocolate.

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