Saturday 29 September 2007

Spa Dream

I wish I could go on holidays, I said casually to my mum. She asked me why not go next week? I said we are finalising important project at work and it's not the best time to go. She said, ok then, go after you finish this 'project'. I could hear in her voice that she remember me saying this last time. And time before that. So I said: I'll go on holidays. Next month. She said: Great.
We both knew it will not happen this year.

Is it only me? Why we postpone our 'me time' treats just because of work? Ok, so maybe you are passionate about your work. That's good. But it is also stressful. No matter how much you love your work, you need holidays.
I know I do.

And I don't want anybody to go with me. If it sounds selfish, I don't care. But I have this dream about being far away from everything I know. Just floating in a warm, blue water, drinking amaretto or reading new Pratchett book I didn't have time yet to read. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and being with my boufriend, and I really like my work lately. It's just this feeling in me, unsettled. And small voice asking: where are you?

It might be just the winter coming but I feel like I could sleep for a week. Do you?

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