Saturday 14 July 2007

It never rains...

... but it pours. My bank account just have been wiped clean. Nothing left. Somebody just logged in and stole all my money. I cannot believe it!
I am going on holidays in a week and I was saving for that!
I just don't know what to do...
Ok, just ignore it. There are worst tragedies than that, hungry children and all, and I am a whining baby

BUT I feel so angry! This is unfair!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. You were probably using online banking and if have given your password away in a bogus email to you from your bank? Look up "phishing" and tell me if that could something like that transpired.

Your bank should compensate you for it fully by reporting what happened to them.

Nadia said...

Well, my bank said they will take care of it, so I will probably get my money back - but time is the issue here, as my holidays are starting soon.
And I am very careful, so I didn't gave my password to anybody. That's why I don't understand how it happened...


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