Friday 20 July 2007


Watermelon is high in vitamins and low in calories which makes it a perfect for summer deserts. It is 98% water and a little bit of sugar, I must admit, but it is still no fat. And with only 10 calories per 100g you get also plenty of goodies. It is packed with natural antioxidants, vitamin A and C, beta-carotene. It is also qualified as a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin B1, potassium and magnesium.
The more pink is watermelon's flesh the more great it is as a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene. Lycopene has been extensively studied for its cancer-preventing and antioxidant qualities. And, unlike other studies, this one was carried on humans as well as lab rats, so we can actually trust it a little bit more as we have a better data.
This thirst quenching fruit is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. That makes it related to the cantaloupe and pumpkin - plants that also grow on vines on the ground. Generally it got round or oblong shape, it is dark green or stripy, but the flesh actually can get various colors, with pink still the most popular and accessible.
The best quality fruits are having flesh of dark, rich color without white marks and are relatively heavy for it’s size. They are also sweet, sweet, sweet…


Anonymous said...

"the darker the flesh, the sweeter the juice.." popular hip hop artist lyrics from the 90's comes to mind after reading this post.

Actually the same artist came to mind also when you wrote "when it rains, it pours".


Nadia said...

Actually, the phrase with 'rains' stuck in my mind since 'Gone in 60 seconds' with Nicholas Cage. I abolutely love this movie. And this hot sex scene in the car... I have to dig it out and see again now when I started to think about it... ;)


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