Wednesday 4 July 2007

Wellbeing - ready, steady, go!

WELLBEING starts here. Starts right now. Your mind relaxes when your body relaxes. So just close your eyes and don't think for a moment.
That's hard, isn't it? For a second this nice, smooth, warm feeling slides into your mind and than snap! You start panicking. How it is not to think about anything? Ok, we start again. Close your eyes and dream. Something simple. This island with white sandy beaches and palm trees and blue, blue sky that you ALWAYS wanted to go, but actually you know you can't afford it and anyway you don't have time for it... Here it goes again - you are thinking! THINKING is BAD. What wellbeing is all about is to give you back the ability to dream. So, just sit back, close your eyes and relax. Where was I? Oh, yes, BLUE, BLUE SKY...

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